How to Spot Scam Text Messages (SMS)

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6 Responses

  1. rajumadhur says:

    What ever you may do Spam Messages will never gonna stop coming…. 🙂

  2. Identifying spam and scam messages is the first line of defense against them.

  3. Lil says:

    I just recieved the above spam ph txt to my ph in Tonga:0 LOL at $3m from Thailand, almost thought it was coming from Nigeria

  4. PJ says:

    I received a massage from a so call TMCL in Thailand, claiming a price of $3,000.000.00
    search the internet for a TMCL,ok they exist but are they really those people or they are PUNKS wanting to trick people in to their trap, keep on guard the PIN,TMCL2011 Email to,, or has any one recieved a consolation price on any thing?post comment

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