Category: Products

The iPod Turns 10

Everyone’s favorite music player, Apple’s iPod, turned a decade old on the 23rd of October. The device had critics chuckling at Steve Jobs expense back in 2001. A decade later, the device is the strongest...

Daltron’s new look website

A few posts ago I put up a list of 3 of my favourite content management systems (CMS). They were: Joomla (which I used for the Office of Higher Education website; Drupal (which is used by The National), and;...

Cisco Enters the Tablet Market Race

Network solutions provider Cisco is entering the tablet race by releasing their version of the portable device that is taking the computing world by storm. Dubbed Cius, this device is said to “redefine the...

Familiarize yourself with Windows 7

The Start Menu The Start menu is where you access your programs, folders, files and settings. The start button Clicking on this button opens the Start menu Search box Type in the search box...

UniVentures are New Kids on the Block

The University of Papua New Guinea’s (UPNG) business arm, UniVentures, which is usually responsible for the university bookshop is expanding into the ICT sector. The company in a joint venture with Korean company Samchung...