BPNG Banking Services Scale Down
Given the recent increase in Covid-19 cases in NCD and the country, the Bank of Papua New Guinea (BPNG) is scaling down operations at ToRobert Building, Port Moresby as a precautionary measure to protect our staff.
The general public is therefore advised that with immediate effect, the Bank’s Banking Chamber will only be open for business from 9:00am to 12:00noon daily until further notice.
Government departments and agencies wishing to do banking after 12:00noon can make tentative arrangements by contacting Manager, Banking Department on telephone numbers, 3227279 (landline) or 72702827 (mobile) and /or on email: jtitime@bankpng.gov.pg.
- BPNG Banking Services Scale Down - March 30, 2021
- Employee & Employer Superannuation Contributions - August 13, 2018