2018 PNG NRI Diploma Certificate in Economic Policy Analysis
Applicants are invited for this training program: 18 September – 27 October 2018
Papua New Guinea (PNG) National Research Institute (NRI) invites applications from interested professionals – bureaucrats, executive, management staff, administrators, planners, directors, advisors, political leaders and researchers in both the public and private sectors for admission to the 2018 PNG NRI Diploma Certificate in Economic Policy Analysis Course (EPAC). The EPAC has been conducted annually since 1989, and has gained popularity in the training of professionals.
The EPAC is conducted as an intensive six-week training program. The graduands are awarded a Diploma Certificate. This year, EPAC will be held from 18 September to 27 October 2018.
Training Program Focus
The EPAC’s target group comprises economists and non-economists who are interested in national development policies – key government economic policies and other public policies that impact sustainable economic growth and national development.
The EPAC program is structured on the following topics:
- Papua New Guinea economy;
- Macroeconomic and microeconomic policies;
- Budget and monetary policies;
- Infrastructure development issues;
- Land and resource development issues;
- Foreign trade, direct investment and aid policies;
- Contemporary (topical) policy-oriented issues, and;
- Policy paper (or report) writing, and statistical research methods.
Experienced Training Team
The EPAC training team comprises PNG NRI Senior Research Fellows supplemented by outsourced experienced academics and professionals and guest speakers who are led by:
- The PNG NRI Director, who will chair a Distinguished Academic Committee, which is responsible for the overall oversight of the program.
Dr Agogo Mawuli
The coordinator of the program, Agogo Mawuli, Professional Research Fellow (retired), and the Manager of PRD Consultants Ltd. The PRD is a private consulting firm contracted to jointly mount the EPAC with PNG NRI. The agreement is underpinned by the principle of Public-Private Partnership.
Who can apply?
- Policy advisors, consultants and researchers;
- Bureaucrats, administrators, managers, directors, and;
- Young graduates aspiring to proceed for further studies.
Minimum Qualification
Professionals with a Degree of Certificate, or matured with extensive policy experience in their workplace.
Program Cost
The tuition fee is K8,000, payable in full by bank cheque only to the Papua New Guinea National Research Institute, prior to or on 18 September. Other costs depend on the need of the participants. The institution has limited accommodation on campus for, out of Port Moresby candidates, with funding ability.
How to Apply
Applicants are required to submit:
- A short letter of Expression of Interest (EOI);
- An updated Curriculum Vitae (CV) which includes the names of two (2) reliable referees, and;
- Supporting documentation of their qualifications.
Submission Method
Email to:
epac@pngnri.org (note that email commutations are preferred).
Postal Mail:
The National Research Institute
P.O. Box 5854, BOROKO, NCD 111
Hand delivery:
NRI Office, located at Corner Goro-Kaeaga Road, Waigani Drive
Closing Date:
Applications must be submitted no later than 20 August 2018.
- 2018 PNG NRI Diploma Certificate in Economic Policy Analysis - July 6, 2018